Around 3,811,900 passengers and homeless people have so far benefitted from Panahgahs (Shelter Homes) established across the country by the incumbent government.
The shelter homes are providing nutritious food and night stay in neat and clean settings, said an official of PBM.
Around 3,606,819 people have been served meals, while 2,050,81 availed night stay facility in Panahgahs, he said. The Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal (PBM) has stepped up efforts to transform shelter homes (Panagahs) into winter-friendly entities with the advent of winter season.
Efforts for providing multiple facilities like room heating, warm water, quilts and others to the daily wage earners and needy were underway, he informed.
Right now, around five shelter homes are functioning in the federal capital including seven each in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan, five in Sindh and one in Gilgit-Baltistan under PBM, he said.
The PBM is also planning to expand the network of shelter homes to accommodate optimum number of deserving people, he added.
The initiative was receiving tremendous response as the people from all over the world were providing donations to shelter homes, he informed.
There were various dedicated places and a large number of Langar Khanas (food centers) across the country, where the poor including women, daily wagers and senior citizens were being offered free meal two times a day and night stay.