On Saturday a petition was filed in the Lahore High Court (LHC) against the recent hike in the petroleum products’ prices by the government.
Nominating the central government and the Ministry of Energy as respondents, the petition expressed apprehension that with the increase in the cost of petroleum, the prices of allied items would also increase.
The petitioner said already several applications had been filed in the LHC against increase in the POL prices. “The government has enhanced Petroleum Regulatory and Development Levy Tax,” said the petitioner, requested the court to order the withdrawal of additional taxes so that the prices could be brought down.
Recently the government has approved Rs5 per litre increase on petrol and Rs5.01 per litre in the price of diesel. The price of kerosene oil went up by Rs5.46 while the rate of light diesel was jacked up to Rs5.92 per litre. The government’s decision is also being criticized by opposition parties.