NAB Lahore, which is absolutely committed to eradicate the menace of corruption from Pakistan, has launched an awareness campaign to mark World Anti-Corruption Day.
NAB is an apex anti-corruption organization of the country which has assigned a gigantic task of eradication of corruption and to recover looted money from corrupt elements.
Banners, posters and screens have been hung on all major highways and intersections on the occasion of World Anti-Corruption Day which will be held on December 9.
Thousands of banners displayed around the city with messages against corruption is an attempt to draw peoples attention towards menace of corruption and to restore National development.
NAB Lahore has launched a mobile van which would run on various highways of Lahore to spread awareness against corruption for the first time. ‘Transparent Pakistan with NAB’ on mobile vans and banners Messages like ‘Support NAB in stopping corruption’ have been hung.
December 9 is celebrated globally as the annual Anti-Corruption Day. NAB Lahore had started the celebrations of International Anti-Corruption Day around 3 months ago: Speech competitions, essay writing competitions, poetry, painting, poster and wall painting Competitions were held among students from 36 Districts of Punjab. Hundreds of Seminars over the topic of “Impact of Corruption on Social Life” etc were also held in government and private Schools, Colleges and Universities.
NAB is also determined to provide cash prizes and appreciative certificates to encourage students who have secured top positions in these competitions.
A series of incentive messages have also been launched to guide the people against corruption and raise their voice.