Dr Tahir Mahmood Hayat, Chief Executive Diamer Basha Dam Project and former executive vice president NESPAK, has been awarded the President’s Award for Pride of Performance by the Governor Punjab in the category of science here at the Governor House, Lahore. Dr. Tahir Hayat is an outstanding professional by any standard. In his career spanning over thirty years, he has made significant contributions to diverse projects of vital importance to Pakistan. He has made these contributions in the field of dam engineering, landslide mitigation and disaster risk reduction.
Currently, he is serving as Chief Executive of 4500 MW Diamer Basha Dam Project on behalf of NESPAK. His commitment and service to Pakistan could be best gauged from his contribution and management of projects in North and South Waziristan Agencies and Swat area, which he and his team are undertaking for the last couple of years at great personal risk.