The transporters of Khyber announced their boycott of supplying transit commodities across the border to Afghanistan via Torkham as per standard operating procedure (SOP) initiated by the government on Tuesday. It is to be mentioned here that keeping in view threat of corona pandemic, the Pak-Afghan governments jointly formulated a strategy to resume supply of transit.
According to plan, the Pakistani transporters will not be permitted to cross the Pak-Afghan sharing border, Torkham to Afghanistan but at zero point they will hand over their loaded trucks to Afghan driver who will drive back the vehicle to the border in 24 hours after delivering the goods to its destination.
Chief Khyber transport Union, Shakir Afridi said that they had approved of the scheme of the government and had resumed the transit supply however its consequences were favourable for them as their trucks had delayed for three to four weeks in Afghanistan while delivering transit commodities beside the Afghan drivers had least experience of driving the Japanese brand vehicles and drive roughly that inflicted financial loss on the transporters.