The OGDCL transferred an amount of Rs 3.2 million in bank account of DC Chakwal Abdul Sattar Isani, on his own insistence, according to a press release issued by the organization on Tuesday.
“The OGDCL had allocated this amount to improve the life standards and to provide basic facilities to the people residing in the suburbs of company oil fields in Chakwal,” the statement said. “DC Chakwal wrote a letter to OGDCL and got transferred this amount to his personal bank account, though he is supposed to use this fund for the welfare of district Chakwal, especially the areas from where OGDCL is extracting oil and gas,” it added.
The statement said that while fulfilling its corporate social responsibility and in line with the petroleum concessions agreement of the government of Pakistan, the OGDCL transferred an amount of Rs 3.2 million in the account of DC Chakwal for the welfare of people residing in the suburb of Rajian Oil Field. The amount was to be used by the district government for welfare of the people of the area with the help of respective member of the National Assembly,” it added. “In this view, the OGDCL is ascertaining that how much amount that was due to be used for the welfare of people of Chakwal, especially those dwelling in the surroundings of Rajian Oil Field, has been spent so far by DC Chakwal and the district administration and how much is remaining in the account of the DC,” it added. “It is worth mentioning that in addition to this fund, many others schemes have been started by the OGDCL in the area to raise and improve the living standards of the people,” it concluded.