Punjab Police Inspector General Shoaib Dastgir has said that during the holy month of Ramazan, all available resources and modern technology along with deployment of police force, national volunteers and volunteers would be utilised for providing security to mosques and Imambargahs in all districts of the province, whereas implementation of instructions issued by the government with respect to prayers in the mosques must be ensured.
He further said that, additional officials should be deployed during Fajar and Traweeh prayers in sensitive places whereas search sweep combing and intelligence based operations should be conducted in the vicinity of mosques and Imambargahs across the province on daily basis and its reports should be regularly sent to Central Police Office. He further said that in the wake of dangers of global pandemic Corona, restrictions on congregations of every kind including Iftar and Sehr should be strictly ensured and legal actions should be taken against the violators irrespective of their designation and social status. He further added that, special squad should be formed in order to implement restrictions issued by the government during the lockdown and preferential and speed actions should be taken against those callous accused guilty of hoarding so that such nasty elements should be taken to their real place.
He further said that officers and officials who were found guilty of misbehaving with citizens and corruption under the cover of Corona duty and crime control do not deserve any leniency and such officials and officers must be ready for strict departmental action. He further said that special attention should be given to religious places of minorities especially Ahmadi worship places.
He added that, for control of crime during Ramazan as compared with the past should be controlled under supervision of DPOs and DPOs should ensure timely steps especially security plan for sensitive places during last decade of Ramazan. He further said that during the lockdown, duty management should be improved on police pickets and the deployment of officials on one point should not be more than the required officials and diligent duty should be taken from every official. He further said that during Ramazan, welfare of police should be cared out considerably and there should be no delay in provision of timely meal to every official depicted on duty point.
These views were expressed by him when he was chairing the session of officers with respect to security arrangements before arrival of Ramazan and steps for Corona. In the session all RPOs, CPOs and DPOs participated the session through video link.
In the session, all RPOs, CPOs and DPOs apprised IG Punjab about the steps issued with respect to security of Ramazan ul Mubarak and prohibition of Corona. On this occasion Addl IG operations Inam Ghani while briefing to IG Punjab told that during holy month of Ramazan security plan has been made up by utilizing all available resources by which in all over the province, around more than 70 thousand Police Officers, officials and volunteers will perform security and Corona duty where full help shall be taken by metal detectors, walk through gates and CCTV Cameras along with the force and drone cameras should be used for security of sensitive religious worship places, upon which IG Punjab while issuing directions said that RPOs and DPOs should themselves move into the field area and inspect security of Ramazan and also brief effectively the officials about the sensitivity of their duty so that they may perform their duties diligently.
He further said that during Ramazan, restriction of social distancing and precautionary measures and public awareness should be improved and cooperation of religious scholars should be taken with respect to reduction in spread of Corona in holy month of Ramazan. He stressed upon all DPOs to personally monitor the security situation of mosques, Imambargahs, Ramazan bazaars, and important buildings and markets on daily basis whereas monitoring and checking should be tightened up on intra provincial and inter districts check posts. He further added process of provision of ration bags under police relief fund to poor, daily wagers and jobless labourers affected by the lockdown should be continued so that the troubles of the deserving citizens might be reduced. He further said that, with respect to security arrangements in Ramazan, if additional resources are required then central police office should be contacted immediately and the desired resources shall be ensured on preference.
Addl IGP IAB Azhar Hameed Khokhar, Addl IGP Operations Inam Ghani, Addl IGP Investigation Branch Fayaz Ahmad Dev, Addl IGP CTD Muhammad Tahir Rai and Addl IGP Special Branch Zaeem Iqbal Sheikh were also present in the conference.