Qingdao Overseas Economic Cooperation Association and Qingdao Investment Promotion Center of China donated surgical face masks to Pakistan China Joint Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCJCCI) to express solidarity with the Chamber on augmenting crisis of Coronvirus spread in Pakistan. According to Secretary General PCJCCI Mr.
Salahuddin Hanif, the masks have been distributed among different public and private sector organizations with top priority of the frontline fighters of Police, Special Protection Unit for Chinese(SPU), elite force, Akhuwat foundation, Lahore Press Club, PakistanConsumers Bureau, Fountain house, Ghulab Devi Hospital, Airport functionaries, Board
of Investment and Punjab Revenue Authority etc. He told that the masks were sent by Qingdao Overseas Economic Cooperation Association of China direct to PCJCCI in returnof the solidarity measures taken by PCJCCI during peak time of Coronavirus disaster in China.
Meanwhile, Mr. Zarak Khan, President and Mr. Moazzam Ghurki, Senior Vice President of PCJCCI, in a press statement, have expressed deep gratitude to the Chinese Business Community in general and the Qingdao Overseas Economic Cooperation Association in particular for standing with Pakistan in curbing spread of COVID-19 in Pakistan.
They also paid high tributes to Pakistani doctors, army, police, NGOs and government organizations and media to keep the people of Pakistan abreast with the critical situation as well as the precautionary measures under the prevailing pandemic of COVID-19. They told that when COVID-19 broke out in China, PCJCCI countered the negative propaganda of foreign media against China by conducting different media campaigns, seminars and also
by observing a Solidarity Day with China. They reiterated that China is an all-time, long time and hard times friend of Pakistan. At the Corona pandemic spread in Pakistan, China was the first country who came forward with bulk medical aid comprising 33744 safety garments, 36 Ventilators, 180 therma meters, 100 thermal scanners, 59,000 protective eye glasses, 10,000 testing kits and over 15000 medical masks, and the aid still continues.