The number of deaths caused due to the Congo virus has increased to five in Karachi. With Eidul Azha drawing closer, a rise is observed in the number of Congo virus cases, which is mainly caused by ticks that inhabit the skin of different animals.
Faheem Ahmed, 27, who is a resident of Landhi area has succumbed to the infection caused by Congo virus at a private hospital. The provincial health department confirmed Faheem was diagnosed with Congo virus. Faheem used to work at a farm in Bhains Colony.
Earlier, Ashraf Khan, a resident of Quetta was brought to Jinnah Hospital after he was found infected of the dangerous virus. Ashraf is being kept in isolation ward for the treatment.
Executive Director of Jinnah Hospital, Dr Seemi Jmal said Ashraf Khan has been admitted to isolation ward.
Ten people have been found infected by the virus so far this year. The deadly virus has claimed 6 lives in the current year while 5 of them belong to Karachi.
Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever, commonly known as the Congo virus, causes bleeding in the human body. In case of excessive bleeding, death of an individual is likely to occur. The virus is carried by ticks that inhabit the skin of various animals. When these ticks bite humans or enter the bloodstream, the body gets infected by the Congo virus.