The Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) on Saturday again demanded constitution of a parliamentary committee to conduct forensic audit of all forms 45 uploaded by the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) on its website and to investigate the failure of the result transmission system (RTS). “A new situation has been created by the government accusing National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) of twisting the system and NADRA rebutting it and calling for the forensic audit. Failure to address it will not avoid the problem, it will only invite a crisis,” said a statement issued by PPP Secretary General Farhatullah Babar.
He said that thorough forensic audit of all forms 45 uploaded by the ECP should answer the following questions:
-Is it correct that tens of thousands of the uploaded forms 45 do not bear the signature of presiding officers as required under the law, and why?
-Is it correct that 90% of forms 45 also do not bear the signatures of any polling agent as required by law, and why?
-Was this gross violation of an intentional law and, if so, who manipulated it?
-Is it correct that the tens of thousands of forms 45 were not signed because the presiding officers believed that these were forged?
“The rejection of ‘twisting the system’ allegation and demanding forensic audit by NADRA is a challenge which can be ignored only by those who have contempt for the people,” Babar said. He said that refusal to face the truth will reinforce the perception that the people of Pakistan were defrauded, their mandate stolen and power transfer manipulated so as to implement some undisclosed agenda.
Published in Daily Times, September 2nd 2018.