As many as two motions and six reports pertaining to various standing committees were presented in the Senate on Wednesday.
According to the details, Leader of the House Senator Azam Nazeer Tarar moved the motion under Rule 263 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012, that the requirement of Rule 41 of the said Rules regarding question hour be dispensed with for 17th August, 2022.
Senate Chairman Muhammad Sadiq Sanjrani suspended the question hour after taking the sense of the house.
Although the suspension of question hour created uproar at the floor of the upper house of the parliament by the opposition benches but the leader of the house made it clear that it was purely a Senate Secretariat issue and it was done on the basis of time constraints.
Standing Committee on Climate Change Chairperson Senator Seemee Ezdi moved under sub-rule (1) of Rule 194 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012, that the time for presentation of report of the Committee on a point of public importance raised by Senators Mushtaq Ahmed and Syed Muhammad Sabir Shah on 17th June, 2022, regarding the recent incident of forest fires in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, may be extended for a period of sixty working days with effect from 16th August, 2022.
The Senate chairman granted the time after taking sense of the house on the matter.
In addition, Senator Saadia Abbasi on behaf of Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue Chairman Senator Saleem Mandviwalla presented six reports of the committee asked by various respective members of the august house. All the reports were stood laid by the Senate chairman.
She presented report of the committee on the bill further to amend the Public Finance Management Act, 2019 [The Public Finance Management (Amendment) Bill, 2022], introduced by Senator Danesh Kumar, on 7th February, 2022.
She presented report of the committee on the subject matter of Starred Question No. 96, asked by Senator Sardar Muhammad Shafiq Tareen, on 11th February, 2022, regarding the names, posts, grades, domicile, pay and allowances and perks of all the employees working in the State Bank of Pakistan on contract, regular, deputation and daily wages basis.
She presented report of the committee on the subject matter of Starred Question No. 97, asked by Senator Mohsin Aziz, on 11th February, 2022, regarding the year-wise income tax collected form industries sector in Sindh Province during the last three years. APP
She presented report of the committee on the subject matter of Starred Question No. 100, asked by Senator Mohsin Aziz, on 11th February, 2022, regarding the year-wise regulatory duty collected on import of goods imported through Karachi Port during the last three years.
She presented report of the committee on a point of public importance raised by Senator Fida Muhammad, on 17th January, 2022, regarding placement of Gurr and Sugar in same category in Customs clearance leading to hurdles for farmers and exporters.
Senator Abbasi also presented report of the committee on a point of public importance raised by Senator Fida Muhammad, on 8th February, 2022, regarding issues faced by the marble industry.