Despite government’s tall claims to revamp the police system to safeguard the public, a record incidents of theft, robbery and burglary have occurred in Faisalabad district during the last ninth months, depriving the victims of Rs 1.31 billion.
According to data released by the police, more than 54,000 accused were involved in these incidents. Out of which, 36,000 accused have been arrested while 18,000 accused remained out of police custody. The police have recovered only 35 percent of the stolen goods from them.
According to an official report released by the police department, 40 police stations across the district have failed to control the increasing crime incidents. The number is gradually increasing. During the first 9 months of this year (January 1, 2020 to September 30, 2020), a total of recorded incidents took place in Faisalabad district. Among them, Rs 1.31 billion were lost in cash, vehicles, jewelry, vehicles, motorcycles, mobile phones and other valuables from the citizens.
According to the official report, the money snatched in these incidents included more than Rs 423 million in cash, valuable mobile phones, cars and motorcycles worth Rs 174 million, while cars and motorcycles which are looted on gunpoint worth Rs 116 million.
According to the data, out of 54,712 accused, the police have not been able to arrest 18,423 accused so far. The report also clarified that these 18,000 accused are out of reach of the police while 14,000 notorious accused have also escaped.
According to the official report, a review of the situation reveals that in Faisalabad district, citizens are deprived of more than Rs 4.4 million in cash and goods on a daily basis. Meanwhile, Faisalabad police dispose of cases by paying a small amount of money to people from whom cars, motorcycles and cash are snatched.
It is to be noted that in view of the increasing incidents in Faisalabad district, hotspots were also determined by the police officials in the city and strategies are devised to ensure effective patrolling of police Similarly, various areas were cordoned off by the police for 12 hours but the police could not control the incidents.