The CDA management is taking several steps to ensure discipline in all administrative affairs of the authority. In this connection, grave issues which were never attended in the past were taken up and their logical conclusion is being ensured.
Matter of pending inquiries was one of among those issues, which was not only taken up but is being vigorously persuaded by the incumbent management which has resulted in conclusion of several inquiries, however, in order to conclude remaining 15 formal inquiries, Human Resource Directorate has been directed to issue show cause notices to inquiry officers who have not yet submitted inquiry reports. Moreover, CDA management taking notice of the slow progress in the cross verification of degrees and certificates of employees has directed to complete this process within one month time.
As result of the efforts of the incumbent management of the authority, around 30 formal inquires out of 45 have been finalized thus matter is approaching to a logical conclusion, however, in order to complete remaining 15 formal inquiries at earliest, inquiry officers have been directed to complete these inquiries within 15 days otherwise they will be charged on the grounds of negligence and inefficiency and disciplinary proceedings would be initiated against them. HRD has been further directed for immediate submission of final inquiry reports to competent authorities so that action in light of the reports could be taken.
Similarly, taking notice of slow progress in matter of degree verification, CDA management has directed the Secretary CDA Board to finalize cross verification of degrees and other educational certificates of gazetted employees, within a month. It has been further directed that officers who not yet submitted their degrees and educational certificate for cross verification be given one week time failing which, authority will presume that their degrees are bogus and action would be initiated as per CDA employees service regulations.
As far as verification educational certificates and other documents of the non-gazetted employees is concerned, HRD Directorate has been directed to issue circular to heads of all formations to ensure submission of educational certificates and other documents of employees working under their administrative control fortnight to Security Directorate for verification from the concerned issuing department. In case of failure the director’s inefficiency will be officially recorded in their Performance Evaluation Report. It has been further directed that officials who have not yet submitted their educational certificates and other documents be given seven days failing which action will be taken against them as authority will presume that their educational certificates and other documents are bogus and they have nothing to submit in their defence.