Pakistan is becoming a dumping point for substandard and dangerous for health Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), hence the precautionary measures should be taken immediately to safeguard the local industry. This was stated by Chairman of Pakistan LPG Marketers Association, Farooq Iftikhar during an urgent meeting association held in Lahore in this regard.
Iftikhar said that government would have to impose anti-dumping duty on LPG import through Taftan border which is crushing the local LPG marketing companies. “LPG industry must be protected through imposition of anti-dumping duty on out-of-control imports of LPG through land as it is undermining the energy security of Pakistan,: he added.
Iftikhar said that there was no concept of price calculation based on Saudi Aramco CP in Iran. “LPG is being auctioned by Refineries in Iran is at substantially low price. He said, to sell LPG from Iran special price offered ex-Taftan to exporters is CP-150 USD enabling them to export & placing substantial cushion in the hands of Exporters to the detriment of Pakistani produced LPG.” Presently, it’s all Hunky-Dory for Distributors of LPG who are selling to consumers at Rs 100/- per kg despite the facts that LPG Marketing Companies are supplying local imported LPG @ Rs. 75/- per Kg as manipulated by distributors and importers mafia, Iftikhar added.
He further stated that another serious contributor to stocks continuous piling was the high local producer price announced by OGRA without considering ground realities. “OGRA needs to seriously revise its pricing formula and must consult marketing companies and producers before announcing price. The LPG pricing committee formed by Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Resources hardly meets, so the result. OGRA must immediately delink with Saudi Aramco contract price and instead link it with spot price of Iranian,” he said.