NAUNDERO: As many as 300 DSL broadband and 350 telephone subscribers are suffering without service for the last five days due to repair work by PTCL staff.
The repair work is focused on replacing outdated cables. These cables and their joints had been rusted for a while however PTCL had not overseen its job of promptly replacing them. According to reliable sources, over 350 telephone connections had been provided out of which 300 had also subscribed to the internet facility for which they were paying separately. However they were not being provided with any sort of customer service and backup.
These subscribers said that when they don’t pay their bills on time their connections are promptly cut off without any notice. However, they added, PTCL staff’s negligence was ignored by their supervisors and the customers’ request for assistance normally fell on deaf ears. They added that the slow internet speed and lack of response form the PTCL had resulted in most of them acquiring internet services from other providers who offered excellent services in comparison.
PTCL Broadband facility Incharge Khadim Bhutto said that he had called for more technicians from Larkana who were working on repairing the oldest cables and replacing the rusted. He added that service would be restored within the next 24 hours if everything went smoothly. He said that he had already informed the higher authorities of the need to replace the damaged cables with the latest optical fiber system. However, he said, nothing had been done so far.
He said that there were 35 distribution points in Naundero out of which 15 would be repaired immediately, with the others repaired later. He said all 350 telephone connections were also not functioning.
The Journalists of Benazir Bhutto Press Club also complained about poor service and low speed of internet due to which their stories were always very late. All the subscribers urged higher authorities to lay down optical fibers immediately.