Dr. Sania convened a meeting on Friday to structure the One Window Ehsaas, which is a single-window information and service approach for better access to multiple Ehsaas programmes. Leads from all executing agencies of Poverty Alleviation and Social Safety Division (PASSD) including the BISP, Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal, Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund, Trust for Voluntary Organizations and Higher Education Commission joined the meeting. Secretary PASSD and Additional Secretary PASSD were also present.
The meeting shaped up structural plan for One Window operation. “The basic structure would be comprising of a front end and a back-end”, said Dr Sania. “Physical Ehsaas center with hardware and prominent signage, android App and web interface would be at the front end, whereas open APIs architecture along with a guiding policy will work at the back end. In the initial phase work has commenced on the first prototype of the Ehsaas physical centre and digital interfaces” she further added.
Through one window stop shop as one of the 135 Ehsaas programs and policy actions, the initiative aims to create awareness, integrate delivery of services under the Ehsaas umbrella, ensure transparency and improve government-to-citizen service delivery. With an aim to extend maximum facilitation and information on Ehsaas to the disadvantaged populations, the government plans to open the first Ehsaas Physical Centre in Islamabad and launch #EhsaasDigital by March 2021.
Ehsaas has introduced several programs targeting 14 disadvantaged groups and now envisages a Single Window Service. The one-window operation would assist beneficiaries of social protection besides reducing duplication. The initiative will optimise efficiency and coordination of multiple programs at service points, data streams and digital platforms.
All the information about Ehsaas programs and government’s digital resources including eligibility, updates, forms, web links, check in portals and general public information will be made accessible as a public good in these sites that would create a window for integrated human development in the country. Likewise, Ehsaas physical centres will feature Ehsaas Registration Desks, Ehsaas payment rooms with ATMs, Ehsaas Nashonuma hall with complete facilities (registration, anthropometry, payments) and desks of Waseela-e-Taleem, One Woman One Account, Ehsaas Interest Free Loans, Ehsaas Amdan, Ehsaas Tahafuz, Ehsaas survey along with One Woman One Account training room, Ehsaas’ partners hall (with periodic exhibits by partners regarding their services) and Ehsaas Information room.