webdeskIn all cases, it is essential to seek medical advice from your doctor.
According to the Quran, sick people are exempt from fasting and can make up for the missed fast within a year after Ramadan. The elderly, pregnant and nursing women are also allowed to skip fasting.
Therefore, according to Rozana, if you are experiencing serious coronavirus symptoms, it is advisable not to fast.
“In Islam, it is very clear about who should fast and who is exempted from fasting, particularly those who are experiencing a particular ailment and I think with the coronavirus symptoms it doesn’t sound like its an ailment that is something light,” Rozana said.
Amir said if an individual is not under a doctor’s supervision and their cough and flu is not serious, then one may keep fasting.
“It depends upon the immunity of the person, if it is [symptoms are] mild and if it is bearable just like normal cough and flu in which there is no danger to your life … carry on your fasts as long as it’s not affecting your physical health.”