Adviser to the Prime Minister on Finance and Revenue Dr. Abdul Hafeez Shaikh chaired the meeting of the Cabinet Committee on Privatisation on Friday. CCoP approved the “Divestment of up to 7% government-owned shares in OGDCL” through public offerings and directed to initiate the process of appointment of Financial Adviser for the process. CCoP also gave approval for the privatization of Guddu Power Plant (747 MW) and gave directions to all the divisions/entities for resolving issues of Guddu Power Plant to facilitate the privatization Process. Divestment of upto 10% of GOP’s shares in PPL through Public offerings was also approved by CCoP. On the recommendation of the Aviation Division CCoP directed that on Hotel Roosevelt Manhattan, updating of M/s Deloitte reports may be held in abeyance till the revival of the economic and business environment in Manhattan, New York. The report updation will also cost fee of 30k-35k while the overall business environment in prevailing in Manhattan is not favourable (as of lesser use now), it was briefed to the CCoP. Transaction structures for the (a) Privatisation of Services International Hotel, Lahore, (b) Jinnah Convention Centre, (c) Divestment of up to 20% shares of Pakistan Reinsurance Company Limited held by GoP, (d) House Building Finance Company Limited, and (e) First Women Bank limited were also approved by CCoP.
متعلقہ مضامین
حڪومت ٽارگيٽيڊ سبسڊيز ۽ نوجوانن جي لاءِ روزگار جا وسيع موقعا پيدا ڪرڻ جي لاءِ سيڙپڪار دوست ماحول جي فراهمي ۽ مهانگائي جا منفي اثر گهٽ ڪرڻ جي ڀرپور ڪوشش ڪري رهي آهي: وزيراعظم
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چوڌري فواد حسين پاران اڳوڻي صدر رفيق تارڙ جي لاڏاڻي تي تعزيت جو اظهار
حڪومت ملڪي معيشت جي ترقي جي لاءِ وڌيڪ صلاحيت وارن شعبن کي مراعتون ڏئي رهي آهي: وزيراعظم
ايسوسيئيٽ ڊگري رکندڙ شاگردن جو انگ وڌائڻ جي ضرورت آهي: صدر
عوام جي جان ۽ مال جو تحفظ اسان جي اولين ترجيح آهي، ملڪ ۾ يونيورسل ايمرجنسي هيلپ لائين مشڪلاتن ۾ ڦاٿل عوام جي لاءِ هنگامي مدد جو اهم ادارو هوندو: وزيراعظم
وزيراعظم عمران خان روسي صدر ولادي مير پيوٽن جي خصوصي دعوت تي روس جي ٻن ڏينهن جي سرڪاري دوري تي ماسڪو پهچي ويو
سينيٽ چيئرمين ۽ ڊپٽي چيئرمين پاران پشاور قصه خواني جي جامعه مسجد ۾ ڌماڪي جي مذمت
پاڪستان ۽ ازبڪستان وچ ۾ تاريخي، مذهبي ۽ ثقافتي لاڳاپا آهن: صادق سنجراڻي